In Tiwanaku, first announced as Pachamama, you lead your tribe into uncharted territory in search of new places to cultivate. Your goal: Explore and draw regions so you can develop cultures according to the customs and legacies of Pachamama. If you honor Her, Nature will reward you; otherwise you will suffer his wrath. In this race you have to take risks, deduce and have a good sense of timing to win.
Each scenario disc represents a unique arrangement of terrain tiles and crop tiles. Terrain tiles lie in regions of 1-5 spaces, and a region of one color does not touch a region of the same color, not even diagonally. Crop tokens have a value from 1-5 and each value has a different size and color (level 1 is brown, level 2 is green, etc.). A region of size 1 will contain a crop token of value 1, a region of size 2 will contain crop tokens of value 1 and 2, and only a region of size 5 will contain crop tokens of any value. Two identical values can never be adjacent, not even diagonally.
Perform an Exploration or Divine Action during a turn: At the end of an Exploration or Divine Action, you can surrender 1-5 cubes for 0-10 points. You can make a maximum of one offering of each color.
When the last terrain tile is placed on the game board, the end of the game is triggered. Starting with this player, each player can take turns performing a single divine action or passing. If you succeed, you take no further actions and see who has collected the most points.