Sit Down!
Sit Down! Magic Maze - Board Game
Magic Maze is a cooperative board game where players must work together silently to help four adventurers steal weapons from the mall! No one ever has to wait for their turn as players simultaneously try to help all four adventurers get their weapons and escape the mall within the time limit. There are only two problems: they are only allowed to communicate by indicating things with a red pawn and each player has limited control over the adventurers, so they have to work together in silence! Magic Maze is a fast-paced cooperative board game with numerous game variations and difficulty levels.
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Sit Down! Magic Maze Kids - Board Game
The king has accidentally turned into a frog! Gather your friends, walk through the forest and find the right ingredients to prepare a potion that will heal him. Magic Maze Kids is a cooperative game that makes the original mechanics of Magic Maze accessible to children. Everyone controls all heroes, but only in one direction! Tutorials gradually teach you the rules and the 4 different difficulty levels ensure that the game is suitable for children of all ages.
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Sit Down! Magic Maze: Maximum Security expansion
Lately, the “Magic Maze” has been raided quite often by adventurers. By the way, they always steal from the same four stores. What a strange situation! Due to this alarming finding, management has installed a new safety system to prevent future disasters. Maximum Security includes 13 modules that you can use in any combination to enrich your gaming sessions. There are new security measures that create more difficulties (guards, a Betrachter, motion detectors and locked doors), but there are also new possibilities that make the heroes' task a little easier (climbing through ventilation shafts, breaking through walls, using spells and even the supermarket redecorate). Do you want more? How about 42 objectives? Can you fulfill them all?
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Sit Down! Tiwanaku - Board game
In Tiwanaku, first announced as Pachamama, you lead your tribe into uncharted territory in search of new places to cultivate. Your goal: Explore and draw regions so you can develop cultures according to the customs and legacies of Pachamama. If you honor Her, Nature will reward you; otherwise you will suffer his wrath. In this race you have to take risks, deduce and have a good sense of timing to win. Each scenario disc represents a unique arrangement of terrain tiles and crop tiles. Terrain tiles lie in regions of 1-5 spaces, and a region of one color does not touch a region of the same color, not even diagonally. Crop tokens have a value from 1-5 and each value has a different size and color (level 1 is brown, level 2 is green, etc.). A region of size 1 will contain a crop token of value 1, a region of size 2 will contain crop tokens of value 1 and 2, and only a region of size 5 will contain crop tokens of any value. Two identical values can never be adjacent, not even diagonally. Perform an Exploration or Divine Action during a turn: At the end of an Exploration or Divine Action, you can surrender 1-5 cubes for 0-10 points. You can make a maximum of one offering of each color. When the last terrain tile is placed on the game board, the end of the game is triggered. Starting with this player, each player can take turns performing a single divine action or passing. If you succeed, you take no further actions and see who has collected the most points.
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Sit Down! Redwood: Kickstarter Edition - Board Game
Redwood is a movement estimation game where players have to take photos of wild animals to create the most beautiful panorama. The game is for 1 to 4 players aged 10 and over and a game lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. During their turn, each player must choose between different movements and angle of view to photograph the animals (without disturbing them). Collecting animals and decorative elements earns victory points. This Kickstarter Edition includes a beautiful custom insert, wooden tokens, 4 player boards, extra cards and two display stands.
Sit Down! Redwood: Into the Wild expansion
In this first Redwood expansion, nature becomes wilder and the challenge of creating your panorama increases. This expansion adds new gameplay features such as the Puma module. This module adds a card to any Panorama deck. Each card has a cougar occupying a spot. The number of elements that can be placed on the map is reduced by 1.
Sit Down! Redwood - Board Game
Redwood is a movement estimation game where players have to take photos of wild animals to create the most beautiful panorama. The game is for 1 to 4 players aged 10 and over and a game lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. During their turn, each player must choose between different movements and angle of view to photograph the animals (without disturbing them). Collecting animals and decorative elements earns victory points.
Sit Down! Dive - Board Game
Your island has a tradition in which the greatest daredevils compete in a diving competition. The goal is to uncover the sacred stone that is thrown into the water from the top of the cliff. All divers splash into the ocean looking for the help of sea turtles and manta rays, surrounded by sharks. What makes this game unique? Players simultaneously look at a deck of large, transparent cards and try to estimate at what depth they will find sea turtles, manta rays and sharks. Each level of depth you can correctly distinguish brings you one step closer to victory. FR: The tradition of being more aggressive and concours d'apnée, but rather than attracting attention to the pressure of the falaise. Aided by the tortues of the sea and the rainwater, it is pleasant to the ocean in the environment of the waves. This is a unique experience: you observe simultaneously a pile of the grandes cartes transparentes and an essay on the determination of the level of the profondeurs of the tortues, the manta and the returns. Chaque level de profondeur correctement program permet de se rapprocher de la victoire.
Sit Down! Magic Maze: Hidden Roles expansion
Increase player interaction by adding traitors and secret missions! Use your actions to bluff and share your suspicion with the "I'm-watching-you" card.
Sit Down! Sushi Dice - Dice game
In Sushi Dice, players compete against each other and try to complete a sushi dish as quickly as possible. Each turn, three cards are turned over in the center of the table and players try to make the dishes with the results of their dice. But watch out! If a player rolls the 'Yuck' symbol and another player realizes it before he or she can re-roll the die, the player must re-roll all the dice he or she had set aside. If you manage to finish a dish, you get to keep it and if you are the first to get 4 - 6 cards (depending on the number of players), you win the game!
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Sit Down! Penny Papers Adventures: Valley of Wiraqocha - Dice Game
Using a pencil and an adventure card, all players try to make the best possible use of the result of the dice to discover a region. Each player tries to fill out his roster optimally and use special effects to score more points. The number of players is unlimited and everyone plays at the same time! FR: The tools for the crayon and the adventure, the results of which are used to explore the environment and the effectiveness of the competitors. It is important to understand the optimal design of the grille and the use of the grille and the knowledge of the specific features of the marquee and additional points. The names of the participants are unlimited, and you enjoy your time!
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Sit Down! Penny Papers Adventures: The Temple of Aplikhabou - Dice Game
Using a pencil and an adventure card, all players try to make the best possible use of the result of the dice to discover a region. Each player tries to fill out his roster optimally and use special effects to score more points. The number of players is unlimited and everyone plays at the same time! FR: The tools for the crayon and the adventure, the results of which are used to explore the environment and the effectiveness of the competitors. It is important to understand the optimal design of the grille and the use of the grille and the knowledge of the specific features of the marquee and additional points. The names of the participants are unlimited, and you enjoy your time!
Sit Down! Magic Maze: Tower - Board Game
After stealing items from the local mall, our heroes are arrested and locked in a tower nearly a hundred stories high. With all their ingenuity, our daredevils try to escape by making their way through the labyrinthine levels one by one. They are helped by the witch's sister, who comes to the rescue thanks to her teleportation power. A game is an adventure consisting of several missions, the last of which is the most daunting.
Sit Down! Gardeners - Board Game
You are gardeners for a capricious king, who has very specific requirements for the composition of his beautiful garden. However, he finds it amusing to distribute his guidelines to different gardeners. Moreover, the king is extremely forgetful... Once you meet his expectations, you have to start all over again!
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Sit Down! Maps of Misterra - Board Game
Maps of Misterra is a competitive game for 1 to 4 players in which you must choose between completing your secret objectives or respecting the reality of the topography of the island you are exploring. It's up to you to score as many points as possible! FR: Maps of Misterra are a game-changer for 1 to 4 hours during which you can choose to respect the objectif's secrets or respect the reality of the topography of the island for exploration. For the mark and maximum points!
Sit Down! Rush Out! - Dice game
Thirsty for adventure and fame, a pair of intrepid adventurers plunge into an underground maze. Just as they get their hands on the treasure, a powerful wizard emerges from his stupor and begins hunting them down. The adventurers' only chance to survive is to flee to the exit while he thwarts the terrible spells he casts on them. Rush Out! is a speed game, in which one player plays the wizard and tries to retrieve his treasure from the other players, the heroes. The first team to clear their deck of cards wins the game. There are no turns. All players roll their own dice as quickly as possible, as many times as they want, without waiting for the other players, to complete the cards they have to discard in front of them. This applies to both the wizard and the heroes; everyone plays at the same time! Communication could be the key to success for the heroes.
Sit Down! Ekö - Board game
Language: Dutch, French In the desert of Ekö, the rocks, sand and wind briefly turn into armies. Build your empire and expand your control so you can claim victory... in this environment, where no one will ever hear you. FR: Dans le désert d'Ekö, les roches, le sable et le vent prénent vie pour donner corps à des armées éphémères. Edifiez votre empire et étendez votre emprise pour clamer votre victoire... dans cet univers où personne ne vous entendra, jamais.
Sit Down! Gravity Superstar - Board Game
At the edge of known space, some of the most famous adventurers collide on a small, strange planet. This planet is the only one that can attract stardust due to its chaotic gravity. The adventurers are there to collect as much of this rare resource as possible or steal it from their competitors.
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Sit Down! Dexterity Jane - Board Game
How fast can you fold your fingers? Dexterity Jane is a simultaneous party game with round cards. Ten cards are numbered 1-10 and the rest of the cards show hands with fingers folded... or not. Use the numbered cards to indicate the number of the current round, the number of cards used in this round and the number of points you can win in this round. At the beginning of each round, you reveal as many cards from your hand as the number on the numbered card indicates. Then all players begin to fold their fingers according to what is asked by the revealed hand cards. Usually a hand chart shows a single folded finger - but sometimes three fingers are folded, such as when your hand is in a "Bang" position with the index finger and thumb extended. Some cards also show a completely open hand. The first person to fold their fingers correctly according to the cards wins the points for that round.
Sit Down! Open Season - Card Game
Eventually you're sick of it! You are tired of seeing hordes of haughty heroes plundering your dungeon, which you decorated with so much taste and refinement. You've donned your best gear and set out to further equip your trophy room with expertise and meticulousness. Today, as an act of sportsmanship, the dungeon lords of the four continents recognize that you have the largest and finest collection of adventurers, made up of diverse and varied individuals. Only heroes hesitate to come and see this.
Sit Down! Fairy Lights - Card Game
Collect sets of identical lights to put together the most beautiful garland and earn the most points. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Sit Down! Topic_ - Card game
In the real-time party game Topic_, the person who has the fewest cards in front of him at the end of the game wins. Shuffle the appropriate number of cards based on the number of players and place the pile face down in the center of the table. Reveal one card so that everyone can see the themes on this card, as well as the category and number on the card at the top of the deck. The category indicates which theme you should use this round. All players now compete to shout out a word that matches the chosen theme that has as many syllables as the number on the card. When all but one player has shouted an appropriate word, the remaining player takes the card on the table and a new round begins.