The Great Ocean stretches across the entire known world and the Myriads Archipelago is its center. You are a young captain at the head of a small fleet, sailing the seas to find hospitable islands where your people can settle and prosper in peace. There is talk of a prophecy of 5 blessed islands waiting for you to find them and create your new kingdom. It's decided, you won't let go of the helm until you discover them!
A player reveals the top Prophecy card. Then all players try to create an Archipelago at the same time by using all available tiles (from 3 to 5 tiles). They must assemble an island in the center of their Archipelago that has exactly the same resources (in the same quantities) as those visible on the Prophecy Map, no more, no less. Both sides of the tiles can be used. You need to flip them and change orientation to create the central island. Once a player thinks he has created the Island of Prophecy in the center of his Archipelago, he taps the card.
The other players must then stop changing their tiles. It is checked whether his island has exactly the same resources as on the map. If they are the same (type and quantity), the player takes the card, places it face down next to them and the round ends. Otherwise, the round continues, with no penalty for the player who made a mistake. Once a player acquires his second Prophecy card, he takes an additional tile and must now use it when creating his Archipelago. He is now playing with 4 tiles and it will become more difficult for him!
Once he acquires his fourth Prophecy card, he takes an additional tile and now plays with 5 tiles!