Editions Du Hibou
Editions Du Hibou Nonsense Family - Party game
Nonsense is a game where you make up crazy stories and chat the other players under the table! You don't have to be a comedian, a little imagination is enough. The goal: use a secret word in a made-up story and tell as many things as possible that have nothing to do with it, so that it is impossible for the opponents to guess the word. For example, use the word 'snake' in a story that relates to the situation 'Marine forgot her lunch box'. You have 1 minute to entertain your audience with your story. The players who have not guessed the secret word can still earn points by completing a challenge, for example 'Walk like a pigeon'.
Editions Du Hibou Nonsense Classic - Party game
First you choose a secret word, for example 'stethoscope' and another player chooses a situation, for example 'in the middle of an interview you spontaneously start laughing'. You will then have one minute to tell a story about this situation and subtly use your secret word in it. But try to use that word in such a way that the other players don't notice. The players who have not guessed the secret word can still earn points by completing a challenge, for example 'walk like a pigeon'.